An item’s description tells the customer what to expect about their possible purchase. Mention size, manufacturer, material, condition--basically, anything and everything to give the buyer more information about the item. Lucky media sellers get the advantage of eBay’s license of the Muze database, which supplies further details on books, movies, games and music. But believe it or not, some sellers don’t even take the time to click their mouse to include it in their listings--all you'll see in their descriptions is "New and sealed." Wow. What you should do is tell the customer what they’ll get and what to expect. Then take some time to sell yourself--tell them why they should buy from you.
If you're trying to sell multiple items on eBay, there may be many people who don’t know the difference between the types of jeans (curvy, boot cut, cigarette, etc.), light bulbs (fluorescent, true color, watts, etc.), cell phone accessories or other products you sell. The variations are endless. The solution is one: Write solid descriptions.
When writing descriptions, it's also important to think beyond your listing pages. If you have an eBay store, consider using one of the blank pages that come with your store for a product FAQ page. Or at the very least, put the information on your "About Me" page. That way, you can provide information about all the products you sell, so customers will know which of your listings to look at.
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