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cna training

Mon 26 Sep 2011 - 10:09 || Welcome Back Wi-owner || Newest user is KrisDeviant || Number of Post 5624 || Site up Days 748

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1cna training Empty
cna training Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:07 pm



Hi, I'm new. You can call me Erin. I am a 25 year old certified nurse assistant! (That means I get to take care of people :3!! Yayy) I specialize in so I can also help others get their certification!! I'm obviously new here, but I somehow came across this place searching for after work.. weird! haha but I though this place seemed cool, so I figure I might as well join.

2cna training Empty
Re: cna training Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:33 pm



whatz up all

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