Thanks to:Mrmario
Google’s Mobile OS Android is running on a high now with developers showing huge interest in it. It has recently hit the milestone of having 50k apps.
It took 18 months for Android to achieve this magical number, which wasachieved by Apple’s App Store in 12 months. Apple App store now boasts 190k apps.
Other Mobile
perating Systems like Microsoft’s Windows Mobile, Nokia’s Symbian and Samsung’s Bada has not fared that well in this space. iPhone and Android has been developers favorite since launch, and this has made big changes in the Smartphone market.
Google reported in December 2009 that it the store had reached 16,000 apps. By mid-March 2010, the store had doubled its apps available to 30,000.
59 percent of apps are free while rest 41 percent is paid.
Here’s the monthly breakup of Android App launches.
So what does this mean to you? Does it looks like Google will be taking over the lead of apps?